ПОСЛЕДНИЙ МАТЧ 22.07.2024 20:30:00
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СЛЕДУЮЩИЙ МАТЧ 03.08.2024 18:00:00
Жулио Серджио: "Сисиньо хочет перейти в "Рому"
По словам вратаря "Ромы" Жулио Серджио, Сисиньо давно мечтал переехать в Рим: "Когда мы были вместе в отпуске, то часто оба занимались в одном тренажерном зале. Сисиньо очень много расспрашивал меня о "Роме", о городе, о моих впечатлениях. Думаю, подобный интерес с его стороны был вызван неспроста. Он был бы рад перейти в "Рому". Кстати, матч против немецкого "Байера" стал для бразильца дебютным (!) в футболке "волков".

Автор: Jackie
Хоть фотку его увидел, а то раньше никогда не видел, а Сисиньо надо брать.
Интервью эспозито вот

Esposito ready to go

Wednesday 1 August, 2007

Roma winger Mauro Esposito has returned to action after six months on the sidelines and is determined to impress at his new club.

The Neapolitan ace joined the Giallorossi from Cagliari this summer in a co-ownership deal and is looking to get his career back on track after last term’s serious anterior cruciate ligament injury.

“After half a year out I played my first game on Sunday and it was hard work,” he admitted. “But I’m sure match fitness will come soon.

“Luciano Spalletti told me to do what I can because wingers are very important in his scheme and he expects a lot from me.”

With Brazilian Rodrigo Taddei already occupying the right side of the Magica midfield, there is speculation that Esposito may need to play in a less familiar role on the left.

“In the last few years I’ve always played on the right side and I think that’s the position that suits me best,” he mused. “But perhaps if I had the chance to play on the left that would suit me too.

“At the moment I’m just thinking about getting back to form and having a great start with Roma, if that happens then I’ll turn my attentions to the national side.”

Esposito also commented on Roma’s tough fixture list that sees them face Palermo, Juventus, Inter, Milan and Lazio within the first 10 weeks.

“It will be a tough start, but a side as strong as us shouldn’t find that a problem, sooner or later you have to play everyone,” he insisted. “It’s good to play strong teams early before they get into their stride.

“Inter and Milan have a bit more than us but we have a hope because of the results we’ve got in recent years.”
Мир слухами полнится. А на деле никто не перйдет
Ну да год назад тот же сисиньо говорил что кака хочет в реал. Не хочу чтоб получилось всё так же. Надеюсь нет.
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